Alec Illustration

September 4, 2013

Busy busy!

Hello, illustration friends!  I thought I'd quickly check in to explain the lack of recent updates on this site.  Ironically, I am working harder than I ever have before on illustration.  I'm currently working on my biggest project yet, but it is top secret (literally! I had to sign a big scary "non disclosure agreement") so I can't tell you guys about it just yet.  As soon as I can, I will!

I've also been very busy working on the Basewood Kickstarter campaign, which continues until September 28th.  Readers of this blog probably remember Basewood from the many posts I wrote about its cover design.  If anyone is interested in owning a copy of the finished book, now is a great time to put in a pre-order.

Thanks for your patience and I'll post again as soon as I have something I'm allowed to share!

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