Alec Illustration

January 30, 2013

Marriage Announcement Illustration

A few weeks ago my girlfriend Claire and I got married.  The first thing that popped into my head, once it became apparent that we were going to get married at City Hall, was Norman Rockwell's painting "Marriage License" that he did for the Saturday Evening Post in 1955:

Claire and I decided to put together a little marriage announcement for our friends and family, so I made an illustration based on Rockwell's for the occasion.  I tried to copy his composition as closely as possible, while also modernizing it and bringing in a few specific elements from the Oakland Hall of Records, where our license was issued.

It was fun paying homage to a real master.  Hopefully Mr. Rockwell is not rolling over in his grave because of this.  If you ever get the chance, you should visit the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, MA.  The collection is incredible, and they have some wonderful programming.  

Next week it's back to the watercolors!


dave roman said...

Congrats guys! Despite the hardships, here's to the power of love and commitment winning the day.

Unknown said...

Nice! Congratzerlations.

Unknown said...

That's awesome! Cngratulations; what a cool way to annouce it too!