Alec Illustration

August 3, 2008

100 Watercolors #3: Light

Well, I've moved to Vermont! I'm not all the way unpacked and settled in, but enough so that I broke out my watercolors tonight to paint the next theme!


Arlene said...

Nice! I really like the background color. Hey, what kind of paper do you use?

Alec Longstreth said...

Thanks Arlene! I'm actually using those pre-made watercolor postcards by... Canson? Or Winsor Newton? It's the same kind you sent me that "weezer t-shirt + ice cream cone" drawing on.

I'm mostly using those because I have them at hand. Once I run out I might just start cutting out 4" x 6" pieces from a big sheet of watercolor paper. I prefer 300 lb Arches!

Arlene said...


I like Arches watercolor blocks (140lbs cold pressed, fine grain.) You don't have to tape it down anywhere and it's pretty strong. I draw pencil lines to divide the page then cut it up when it's all dry.