Alec Illustration

February 9, 2008

CCS Lecture Cover

I've got about nine different projects in the works right now, but none of them are actually finished and ready to share. So for now, I thought I'd post this drawing I finished up last night. It will be the cover for a handout I am making to go along with my upcoming lecture at The Center For Cartoon Studies. It will basically be an updated version of a previous lecture I gave in 2005 with Aaron Renier, called For The Love of Comics.

Even though this drawing isn't in my "finished" style, it was still really fun to cut loose on a piece of notebook paper with very sparse pencils and then a brush pen and some ballpoint pens for ink. It's a bit sloppier, but I'm afraid that's all I have time for at the moment!

UPDATE!  You can now read these lecture notes in their entirety on my other website.

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